Kohl's Named One of the 2019 World's Most Ethical Companies

Recognition honors companies striving to influence and drive positive change in the business community and societies around the world

MENOMONEE FALLS, Wis. February 26, 2019 – Kohl’s (NYSE: KSS) has been recognized by the Ethisphere Institute, a global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices, as one of the 2019 World’s Most Ethical Companies. The World's Most Ethical Companies is an annual assessment conducted by the Ethisphere Institute that looks at five key categories of a company including its ethics and compliance program, culture of ethics, corporate citizenship and responsibility, governance, and leadership and reputation. This year marks Kohl’s first recognition by the Ethisphere Institute as one of two 2019 honorees in the retail industry.

“At Kohl’s, we strive to hold ourselves and each other accountable to act with integrity by honoring our commitments, treating others with respect, and making ethical decisions,” said Steve Thomas, Kohl’s chief risk and compliance officer. “Being recognized as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies is a testament not only to our ethics and compliance programs, our governance and our corporate reputation, but also the everyday behaviors, actions and choices of thousands of associates across all levels of our organization.”

“Employees, investors and stakeholders are putting their greatest trust in companies to take leadership on societal issues, and today’s consumers want to shop with companies that share their values and demonstrate ethical business practices,” said Ethisphere’s Chief Executive Officer, Timothy Erblich. “It’s clear that Kohl’s stands out in its industry for a number of reasons including the company’s responsible governance structure and clear code of ethics.”

In 2019, 128 honorees were recognized spanning 21 countries and 50 industries. According to the Ethisphere Institute, the thirteenth class of the World’s Most Ethical Companies profoundly illustrate how companies continue to be the driving force for improving communities, building capable and empowered workforces, and fostering corporate cultures focused on ethics and a strong sense of purpose. The full list of the 2019 World's Most Ethical Companies can be found at https://worldsmostethicalcompanies.com/honorees.

For more information about Kohl’s corporate responsibility initiatives and code of ethics, visit http://corporate.kohls.com/.

About Kohl’s

Kohl’s (NYSE: KSS) is a leading omnichannel retailer with more than 1,100 stores in 49 states. With a commitment to inspiring and empowering families to lead fulfilled lives, Kohl’s offers amazing​​ national and proprietary brands, incredible savings and an easy shopping experience in our stores, online at Kohls.com and on Kohl's mobile app. ​Throughout its history, Kohl's has given more than $650 million to support communities nationwide. For a list of store locations or to shop online, visit Kohls.com. For more information about Kohl’s impact in the community or how to join our winning team, visit Corporate.Kohls.com or follow @KohlsNews on Twitter.

About the Ethisphere Institute
The Ethisphere® Institute is the global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices that fuel corporate character, marketplace trust and business success. Ethisphere has deep expertise in measuring and defining core ethics standards using data-driven insights that help companies enhance corporate character and measure and improve culture. Ethisphere honors superior achievement through its World’s Most Ethical Companies recognition program and provides a community of industry experts with the Business Ethics Leadership Alliance (BELA). More information about Ethisphere can be found at: https://ethisphere.com


Jen Johnson, Jen.Johnson@Kohls.com, 262-703-5241

Julia Fennelly, Julia.Fennelly@Kohls.com, 262-703-1710


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